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"Why is the Historic Redwood Tree in Epping Being Targeted for Destruction?"

The Epping Society & Fir Trees Giant Redwood



The Epping Society recently celebrated its 50Th anniversary and is committed to preserving the local environment and promoting the town of Epping.

The Giant Redwood outside Fir Trees flats on the corner of Tidys Lane and Palmers Hill  is subject to a planning application Planning Application: EPF/0691/24 ( to Fell and replace. It predates these flats and yet might be destroyed in an afternoon.

Please help us protect this important and iconic tree which is such a landmark in Epping.



The Giant Redwood as most of you are aware is a native to California, however intrepid seed collectors in the 1850s brought seeds back to the UK where the trees have thrived. In fact, it is estimated that we now have more trees here than in California - Giant redwoods: World’s largest trees 'thriving in UK' - BBC News. The Redwoods in the UK have not reached the size of their US colleagues – they can grow to 90m, or their age – they can live for 2000 years but still seem to be doing well in the UK climate. Recent research by the Royal Society - Giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) in the UK: carbon storage potential and growth rates | Royal Society Open Science ( - looks at the growth and carbon uptake of these magnificent trees which is very impressive and definitely an asset when we are trying to reduce the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.

Our Epping trees are mentioned in Redwood World Redwood World: Epping - Fir Trees (Essex).



We have until 1st May for consultation.

Please show your support to retain this important and iconic tree by emailing 

Thank you.

The Epping Society

April 2024

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2 Kommentare

Unknown member
23. Apr.

Any idea why the request to cut down the tree? It does say it will be replaced! What is the background and reason for the application please? Anyone know?

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