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Problems Persist At Epping's New Car Park

First of all we at Epping Society are hoping all have a wonderful Summer. We have been a bit quite for the last couple of months mainly due to holidays but hope to be back up to speed soon.

Unfortunately problems persist with anti social behaviour at the new car park and we just thought we would provide a quick update courtesy of 'Everything Epping Forest'

This main issue is people making a racket and using the Car Park as a real life 'Gran Turisimo'. For the uninitiated 'Gran Turisimo' is a popular PS4/X-Box Games involving the racing of cars around.

Anyway, below is from EEF's Facebook page and response last November. The take out is that Qualis has failed to deliver on their proposed actions.

The text below is an email I received 10th November 2023 from the MD of Qualis 9 months later Qualis have failed to deliver.

Dear XXXXXX, , XXXXXl, XXXXX and Mr Born,

We have reviewed the CCTV footage from both evenings following the reports of antisocial behaviour. The footage and licence plate numbers of the few cars involved will be shared with the police for further investigation.

The car park is owned by Qualis but managed by Horizon Parking who manage over 2,500 car parks across the country. Qualis recognise that it is our responsibility to ensure that it adds value to the community and not the opposite.

We will continue to monitor and report any further instances of anti-social behaviour to the police and would ask you to do likewise.

We have flexed the hours of our attendant presence on site to respond to the times this is occurring. Upper levels of the carpark not used will be barriered off to reduce the opportunity for antisocial behaviour this will also reduce the lighting levels on these floors to 20%. Additional speed reduction measures are being sourced as quickly as possible.

Please be assured that we are taking this matter seriously and will continue to monitor the situation.

Kind regards

Simon Rutter

Managing Director

Mobile: 07394 410817 | Email: | Web:

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