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Petition to Save Epping Reaches Nearly 100 signatures in 2 Days

We would like to thank everyone who has signed our petition against further building on Epping's Green Belt. In just 2 days we have, at the time of writing 87 Signatures and hope to surpass 100 today.

If you have not done so yet please please do sign. When signing you can opt to sign anonymously. This means that although we will have your name, it will not appear anywhere in the public domain.

You can sign in just a few seconds by going to

Every signature really counts. Together we have a voice and can let the council and developers know what we think.

The wording of the petition is as follows.

'Epping, a town rich in history and natural beauty, is under threat from excessive building development. The 'Local Plan' already outlines a significant amount of construction that will contribute to housing targets. However, there are concerns about proposals for further development beyond what has been agreed upon.Epping has already made substantial contributions towards housing targets, with numerous new homes built over recent years. It's important to remember that each new building impacts the local environment and infrastructure - roads become busier, schools more crowded and our green spaces


We must preserve the character of our town and ensure any growth is sustainable and well-planned. This petition calls for no additional building development in or around Epping outside of what is outlined in the 'Local Plan'. We urge local authorities to consider the strain on resources and potential environmental impact before approving any further construction projects.'

Please join us in protecting Epping's future by signing this petition today.

Please also consider becoming a member of the Epping Society from only £5 a year at

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