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Open Letter to EFDC From The Epping Society regarding tomorrow's Council Meeting.

Tomorrow EFDC will have on it's agenda an Item relating to Qualis, the Council owned developer who wish to go back on their agreement and indeed EFDC Policy to build 40% affordable homes on The St Johns site.

It is absolutely unacceptable to go back on this policy. Over the years many changes have been implemented to the Local Plan and by way of 'mission creep' we end up with a very different outcome to that as promised to the local community.

There is no point in having a policy if it can be so easily reneigned on. Qualis claim that by sticking to the policy it will cost them an extra £9 Million. Our position is clear. If they can not meet the requirement then cancel the agreement and put the matter out to tender to a contracter who can. Other parts of the country manage it. It is not Impossible.

We would also bring into question whether EFDC is capable of independently judging this issue since Qualis is Council owned. It is tantamount to allowing a child to mark their own homework. This would be an ideal opportunity to prove us wrong. If we are indeed wrong.

It is also not acceptable for any party to whip their Councilors into voting one way or the other. It tarnishes independence of thought and is no better than acting like Russian or Chinese govts so we would advise strongly against this line of action in case it is being considered.

Affordible housing does not even mean for the very lowest paid in society who have little chance of getting on the housing ladder anyway. It would be more likely be for teachers and nurses who are needed to keep our system running.

So this is your chance. We will be watching. Vote no to the Qualis request. Tell them to go and look at it again ( you may be surprised how creative they may be with their accounting). Show us that you can be independent and if Qualis are unable to meet the policy, find another developer who can.

Councillors who vote with Qualis will be held to account.

(NOTE - The Epping Society is not political athough aspects of what we do can look as if we are. Our Committee comprises of individuals of all political persuasions)

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