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Facebook - Change Petition

If you have not seen it, here is a copy of a post we put on our Facebook page today.

Dear Friends,

We are at a point in time where more than ever before we need support to protect the environment that we hold dear to us. Before I go further, I would point out that Epping Society is not a political organisation and that the committee is made up of members of all mainstream political views. Indeed we have been quite critical of elements of The Conservatives in the past with relation to the local plan for house building.

Unfortunately the new Labour Govt looks intent on building many over a million new homes and in order to achieve this they are intending to overhaul planning laws to make it much easier to build on Green Belt. The proposals extend to reducing the voice that local people have to a point it will be totally ignored. In other words we are expected to just sit back and accept whatever they want to do.

We have seen Ed Milliband ignore all expert advice and give the go ahead for huge solar power farms to be located on rich agricultural land. This will cover an area the size of approximately 2500 football pitches and local people are being disenfranchised in any of this decision making.

If you believe as we do that we do not just have to accept these kind of dictats, you can do 2 things.

1/ Sign and share our petition at We already have over 800 signatures and would like to get to 1000, 2000 and beyond.

2/ Join The Epping Society at from only £5 a year. We are all unpaid volunteers and every £ helps us to fight on your behalf. We update our News page regularly as well as send out Newsletters to keep you fully Informed.

Thank you so much in advance for your support.

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