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Epping South Masterplan Meeting Tonight - Have Your Say.


There is a meeting tonight to discuss the Epping South Masterplan and this will be held at Ivy Chimneys School, 18th June between 5pm and 9pm.

Please do attend if you can. This plan has been approved by the council and will involve the building if hundreds of new properties in Epping South and will affect us all in terms of a bigger population using existing facilities and infrastructure.

More details can be found at


Please do consider joining the Society at

And if you have not done so please consider signing our petition against further building on our green belt.

If you do attend, we have compiled a list of questions that could be asked of the council / developers.


  • What happened to the Community Hub promised in earlier agreements eg 2019, section 9.1? Bus corridor through the estate (also in 2019)?

  • How reliable is “school – shared community facilities”, local precedents have failed? New bridge over railway – cost? timing?

  • “Enhanced transport opportunities” – meaning what – buses, frequency and stops, shuttle, electric scooters?? Or a pack of guidance through each door?

  • Will developers stick to the 40% affordables? (Bellway page says “up to” 90/225)

  • Will EFDC / developers have any priority for locals needing housing?

  • What is the target price of these properties?

  • Exactly how many car spaces for these homes?

  • Where will others park?

  • Traffic impact in local roads – has it been assessed yet?

  • Increased traffic congestion / pollution at Ivy Chimneys traffic lights (already an Air Quality Management Area) Cycling into town – are they serious?

  • Impact on the Central line, already over capacity in rush hour, has this been

assessed yet?

  • Retail units, referred to in earlier plans?

  • The huge bank screening the motorway – 8 metres – has anyone assessed the shadow this will cast?

  • Health facility is now being described as “under consultation” – could be off site; do developers know how wildly overstretched local medical / dental provision is?

  • Reference to Allnutts Stores; has any one checked they can cope?

  • IS THIS JUST 2 LARGE HOUSING ESTATES with a SMALL SCHOOL, some nice GREENERY and nothing more??

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