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Epping Society Update

We have been busy over the last month with The Society having hosted stalls at both the Swaines Green May Fair and the Open day at Copped Hall. Fortunately we were blessed with sunny weather for both events.

We had a lovely response from many Epping residence who were only too keen to come and have a chat. Topics at the top of most peoples minds included.

  • Green Belt plans for the vast South Epping Estates that are due to be built

  • The New Multi Storey Car Park

  • The Upcoming Sports Centre

  • Potholes

  • Ride London

  • The recent report by the Planning Advisory Service

It was very apparent that visitors are becoming more aware of the issues and developments that are and will affect our community, which is a very positive sign.

We also received aa number of very favourable comments regarding out new website, branding and contact cards. Visitors really do seem to value the site as a source of information which is incredibly gratifying for us and we will do our best to ensure you are all kept informed.

Over the last few months we have been heartened to welcome a large number of new members who have signed up via the website. To everyone who signed up recently thank you so much. Your contributions really do help our work. If you have not joined, you can do so quickly and easily by clicking the button below.

Our Petition to prevent further building on Epping's Green Belt is going very well with 592 signatures at the time of writing. If you have not done so please do consider signing at

We would like to hit 1000 signatures and be in a position to send a firm message to the council that we feel that Epping has done more than it's bit in terms of providing additional housing at the expense of our Green Belt and further incursion is unacceptable. Watch out in the coming days for a post we will be putting up of fascinating drone footage of an area under threat.

We will have a stall at the Epping Town show on Sunday 7th July so please come and say hello.

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