Happy New Year to all.
This edition is a roundup of our recent activities
South Epping development. Having taken part in two Public Consultations on these plans and still not seen any results published, we have delivered a Freedom of Information request to EFDC to either release the findings, or explain the absence. The FoI response period is nearly over, so we shall see…..
The car park continues to be problematic, with recent failures of the pay machines, ongoing antisocial behaviour, as well as a range of design, build and operating issues. We are continuing to try to talk to Qualis on these points; while several other residents‘ groups are working with Councillors. The latest twist is the possibility that EFDC buys the carpark, as it seems to be a shaky economic prospect – including the massive over-run on building costs.
Latton Priory – a 1300+ development between Harlow and Thornwood. We objected to this on the ground that the plan does not assess the likely Southbound traffic consequences for Epping. We supported North Weald Parish Council in their deliberations; and Harlow Town Council have just “joined the chorus”. Details can be found on the EFDC Planning site at EPF/1793/24.
We recently issued an Open Letter about Parking in Epping. We acknowledge it is only one of the problems facing our community – and some “official” responses have attempted to minimise the issue. However, thank you to the many positive responses we have received; the important idea was to get a conversation started. Several EFDC Councillors are seeking an avenue to raise this matter with Council.
Those who read the local paper will have spotted that the Society is applying to the County Council to have several paths on Old Pastures (S.E. of Stonards Hill recreation ground and Theydon Grove) declared as Public Rights of Way. This would be a way of partially protecting the area from inappropriate development; it is Green Belt and not designated in the Local Plan, but there are signs that developers are looking at the area. We may also apply for the area to be declared an Asset of Community Value; back in 2014 the Town Council began a process to designate the area a “Town Green”. Please find details on our website; and consider signing the petition; or if you walk the paths, filling in an evidence form.
Since our last Newsletter the Society has been represented on BBC Radio twice, during and following our hugely successful petition to save the historic Redwood Tree at Tidy’s Lane. Showing that people power can really work over 1100 of you signed and the council voted unanimously to save the tree. Full details can be found in the news section of our website. www.eppingsociety.org If you have not done so, please sign our other petition aimed at saving our precious greenbelt. Simply go to www.change.org/SaveEpping
It is heartening to see a continuing increase in membership – including several returning members. Please share this with your friends and neighbours and encourage them to join us in our efforts to “conserve and enhance” Epping. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the usual public shows in 2025.
If you are not a member please do consider joining from only £5 a year. Every contribution massively helps us with our work. We are all volunteers so your money goes directly into the work we do. Please click below to join. It only takes a couple of minutes. Thank you.
Lastly, early warning of our Annual General Meeting on Monday 10th March at Epping Hall. A formal Notice will follow in due course.
Roger Lowry, ViceChair
Click below to download the Newsletter.