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Epping Green Belt Due To Be Built Upon - Public Consultation Due to Begin. Have Your Say.

Updated: Jun 24

South Epping Development Consultation

A public consultation has today been announced, to give the community

6 weeks to comment on the proposals to build on fields

below Ivy Chimneys Road and Brook Road, once Green Belt land.

There will be an open access meeting at Ivy Chimneys School, on 18th

June 5-9pm; also on the Town Market on 24th.

There is the possibility of online contributions, via

where more details are to be found.

The Epping Society is of the opinion that we are looking at 2 estates of

apox 450 homes in total, with a primary school and not much


  • Promises made earlier about Community hubs, shuttle buses, on-site

health facilities etc seem to have vanished.

  • There is a promise of 40% affordable homes,which we welcome; lots of

green spaces, parks, paths etc. Homes to be quite advanced


We have many other concerns including the location and site for these

homes, access, bus stops, car parking, pressure on the Central Line

tube, noise, pollution and shadowing

from the motorway and pylons.

Whatever your views we would urge you to get to the public events, and

/ or make your voice heard in all ways possible.. This is the largest

development planned for our town under EFDC's Local P{lan. It will

happen, but we should try to make it a benefit to newcomers and


Please remember to sign our petition at if you have not done so.

Also please join the Epping Society by clicking on the button below. Annual membership is from only £5 a year and every contribution really helps our work keeping Epping a nice place to live.

Find further details in documents below. Click to download

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