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EFDC Sparks Controversy by Scrapping Affordable Housing Commitment.

Oh dear, it was all so predictable as referenced in yesterdays post on these pages.

Last night as we predicted EFDC voted by 32 votes to 10 with 4 abstentions to grant Qualis, their own council owned developer a deed or variation which allows them to completely U-Turn on their contractual commitment to provide 40% affordable housing on 2 Epping sites.

Qualis applied for a deed of variation which was to reduce that figure to 0% on the site of the Civic Offices and 17% for the St Johns Road Site.

The Epping Society was represented at last nights meeting and made the point that the council had built only 19 affordable units in the last four years and questioned the financial figures contained in the report.

Our view is clear. The Council has given the green light to its own company to tear up their own policy. There is no question that this in itself presents a huge question over fairness and proper scrutiny and objectivity. Qualis was given the contract under terms that met the Councils own Policy Commitments and has now decided that it can not meet those objectives so the Council has decided to allow Qualis to set its own parameters. Remember Qualis and EFDC are essentially a single entity.

Many questions arise from this vote. One has to wonder if other contractors would be treated so leniently as well as the viability of the viability reports that Qualis presented.

Should there not have been additional independent reports commissioned elsewhere to ensure that opinion aligned? Was Qualis challenged to go away and make it work even if it meant using profits made on other projects to subsidise this commitment.

As consumers, we all suffer rising costs but we have to deal with them.

Regretfully this decision will send a loud and clear signal to other developers. Namely, agree to anything to get the contract, then cry 'rising costs', produce a 'viability report; in your favour and hey presto mission creep accomplished a policy binned.

We applaud the 10 Councilors who voted against this amendment.

(If any Councilor from either side of the argument would like to be interviewed by us on this matter, please get in contact via the contact page on this site)

***Appeal*** - The Epping Society relies 100% on membership fees. If you are able, please do join The Epping Society via the joining page on this site. Membership is only £5 for a whole year and it really only takes a few mins of your time. Many thanks and wishing you all a very Merry Christmas (Yes even the Councilors who voted for this amendment :)

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