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"Discover Our History: Royal British Legion Postcard Pictures Now Available on the Site"

As promised we continue to document Epping's rich history. Please go to 'Epping In Pictures' Section.

This time we feature a huge catalogue of 380 pictures of 'Royal British Legion' Postcards through the years. It is wonderful for us to be able to act a a permanent repository for a rich slice of Epping's history for current and future generations to enjoy.

Please feel free to comment here or on our forum 'The Coffee Shop' where we have set up a section to discuss or share memories.

We will continue to add more pictures over the coming weeks. Please do register on the homepage to be kept fully up to date on Epping Society activity.

Better still, please consider joining the Society. It only costs £5 and takes a few minutes by going to the 'join' section on the menu. Your contributions help keep this website going as well as fund our work keeping Epping a nice place to live.

Many thanks


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