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Attention - Danger Ahead

Updated: Nov 22, 2024

Over Development In Epping
Epping Market

The Epping Society was created with a central aim of preserving what is dear to us. A big part of this is to wade through the weekly list of planning applications that are submitted to the council and assess the merit in each case to the community. Much of this is small scale projects which we have no issue with. We are not against progress but we do look out to ensure any and all projects are sympathetic with the environment.

The next level up is the building of brand new homes and apartment buildings, which have to go through local council planning for approval. We have long pointed out a conflict of interest between the council and the council owned developer Qualis. To put it simply, the council are rubber stamping plans that their own developer will benefit from. It equates to marking their own homework.

Despite our many warnings and concerns, we are shocked at the appalling design of a new building that is near completion adjacent to dentists (see picture). Our previous article equated is to the look of an easter European Tower Block with no sympathetic features at all (see picture)

What were they thinking
Eyesore Development in Epping

As you can see, it dominates the adjacent building, it has a flat roof, the brick colour is all wrong. We would challenge anyone, especially from the Council Planning Department to explain any redeeming features. We would gladly publish a right of reply so you can defend yourselves.

The next question is whether this is what will will come to expect from the other developments in planning. If so.... STOP NOW. Have a re-think. It is not too late. Anyone who is familar with our new multi storey carpark will surely agree the signs are not good. These projects run into many millions of pounds so surely its not beyond the capabilities of our architects to come up with nice suitable and sympathetic designs.

Another problem on the horizon is Central Government. At this point we should reassure you that The Epping Society is not party political. Our committee is made up people of all mainstream political colours and we have been critical of all political parties when needed. We have also given praise is in the case of Councilors from all parties who listened to us and payed attention to our petition to save the Redwood Tree last month.

However we do need to bring our members and followers to the attention of Swale in Kent.

Theirs is a test of Labour’s determination to plough through local planning decisions in order to build the homes.

Two weeks ago, Swale borough council’s planning committee was meeting to vote on an application to build a garden village. The site for 8,400 new houses near Sittingbourne includes plans for affordable homes, schools, GP surgeries, shops, sheltered housing, upgraded railway stations and a crucial relief road.

The planning committee was just about to reject it when hours before the vote a message came through from Whitehall: Angela Rayner was calling in the decision so her Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government would have the final say. Outraged, the committee went ahead and voted (powerlessly) against it.

This kind of situation could be coming our way and we need to be proactive and determined to do everything possible to prevent it.

We at the Epping Society (We are all volunteers) will continue working very hard for you to preserve our heritage and keep you up to date.

If you would like to support us and have not done so already, please consider joining the resistance to daft, unsympathetic building design. We have many challenges ahead to counter including the SOUTH EPPING MASTERPLAN.

Please join us now from only £5 a year by hitting the button below.

Further, please take a moment to sign our petition against further development outside the agreed local plan. Many thanks to you all.

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