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One of the key aims of the society is to conserve the good and improve the not so good and a vital part of this is reviewing planning, endorsing good planning and objecting to bad.

Catchment area

The Society aims to review all planning applications from the M11 and South by the M25 and following an arc to the West and North towards but not including Epping Green. Our focus is Epping, Coopersale and Thornwood but also the entire district for major development proposals or to support other local associations.

Epping Society’s planning review approach -

Ensure adequate public consultation

Promote general design guidelines and policies especially for large developments  and for prominent or sensitive areas such as conservation areas and High Streets

Encourage high quality design, sympathetic scale, design and materials and protection of historic and local buildings of merit and prominence

We will not support development outside the current criteria within existing Green Belt boundaries

Proposals for retail development should consider adverse impact on the existing High Street, which we consider to be an essential element of the character of Epping


Encourage the protection of native trees in the area and the maintenance of footpaths


Do you have a planning matter which we can help you with? just e-mail


(This link will take you to the EFDC Local Plan Website)

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