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Epping Society was founded in January 1972. Its aims were and still are to preserve the environment and to promote the amenities of Epping town and the immediate surrounding district. It is a voluntary society of local people who have come together to mobilise opinion and take any action deemed necessary to ensure that the special character of Epping is safeguarded and developed in the best possible way.

An elected committee meets monthly to discuss matters considered appropriate to achieving these ends, including the perusal of all planning applications for the area and, if it considers any proposed development would be detrimental to the locality, lodging an objection. The committee also monitors and opposes any encroachment to Green Belt land close to Epping.

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Our original logo, in use from 1972 to 2023 alongside our updated branding (2023).  The change was made to reflect a more modern look that could be used across multiple platforms

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